De Amerikaan Les Levine heeft als uitgangspunt dat kunst gebruikt moet kunnen worden. Hij wordt geïnspireerd door de technologie, de massaproduktie en de Amerikaanse 'consumer society'. Levine begon in 1965 met het maken van stoelen, strak gepakt in roze geschilderd vanvas en opgehangen aan de muur of het plafond. Hierna maakte hij 'disposable art' (wegwerpkunst): objecten in grote oplagen, die weggegooid kunnen worden, als ze gaan vervelen. Rond 1968 maakte hij zgn. star-machines, gemaakt van twee manshoge, doorzichtige, gebogen platen perspex, tegenover elkaar opgesteld in een raam van buizen. Wanneer men hierin staat, verandert het ruimtebesef en moet men zijn handen uitsteken om te voelen waar de begrenzing is. Levine heeft zich beziggehouden met het maken van enviroments, pneumatische kunst en televisieobjecten. Hij geldt als een pionier op het gebied van videokunst.
In zijn werk roept hij vragen op over de sociale en politieke reikwijdte van kunst en stelt hij het manipulatieve karakter van de media aan de kaak. De vraag welke rol de kunstenaar speelt binnen het sociale systeem komt in tal van concrete projecten aan de orde. Levine's Restaurant (New York 1968) en het Museum of Mott Art Inc. (New York 1970) zijn pogingen om de communicatie over kunst en haar functioneren te stimuleren (uit: Kunst van Nu. Encyclopedisch overzicht vanaf 1960, 1971 en Encyclopedisch overzicht vanaf 1970, Leiden 1995).
Een prachtig voorbeeld is het kunstenaarsboek Museum of Mott Art Inc. Catalogue of after art services 1974, 12 p. 21,5 x 14 cm. New York:
A catalogue of 62 supposed services provided to artists by Levine's conceptual Museum of Mott Art Inc. Includes brief description of services and price, introduction, conditions of service and consultation such as: 'Activity Selection Service for Artists (What should you do after art? Bring us your biography and a history of your previous work and we will outline a program of activities complete with variations for the next 6 years. Completely tailored to the needs of the individual. Fee - $108 925-0447 for appt), 'How to Stop Being an Artist,' 'Language Services for Painters,' 'How to Kill Yourself' etc.
'Museum of Mott Art is a consultation service organization, the purpose of which is to provide information and consultation services to the fine art professions and their associates.
1. All services are given on an individual basis only. Lists or other information supplied by Mott Art are deemed to be for the client's use only and not transferable.
2. All inquiries, consultations or conversations between clients and Mott Art shall be held in the strictest of confidence.
3. Information supplied by Mott Art is given in accordance with the highest professional standards. Where an expert is required, a bona fide member of the specific profession will be consulted. Mott Art shall not be held responsible for the outcome of any actions taken as a result of the client receiving information or acting upon the use of any of our services.
4. Fees are charged as per catalogue price or $36 per hour, whichever is the greater. Where particular expertise from a qualified professional is required, the standard hourly rate of that profession shall be charged in addition. All telephone inquiries are billed at $6 per call. Fees are payable immediately as service is supplied'.
A catalogue of 62 supposed services provided to artists by Levine's conceptual Museum of Mott Art Inc. Includes brief description of services and price, introduction, conditions of service and consultation such as: 'Activity Selection Service for Artists (What should you do after art? Bring us your biography and a history of your previous work and we will outline a program of activities complete with variations for the next 6 years. Completely tailored to the needs of the individual. Fee - $108 925-0447 for appt), 'How to Stop Being an Artist,' 'Language Services for Painters,' 'How to Kill Yourself' etc.
'Museum of Mott Art is a consultation service organization, the purpose of which is to provide information and consultation services to the fine art professions and their associates.
1. All services are given on an individual basis only. Lists or other information supplied by Mott Art are deemed to be for the client's use only and not transferable.
2. All inquiries, consultations or conversations between clients and Mott Art shall be held in the strictest of confidence.
3. Information supplied by Mott Art is given in accordance with the highest professional standards. Where an expert is required, a bona fide member of the specific profession will be consulted. Mott Art shall not be held responsible for the outcome of any actions taken as a result of the client receiving information or acting upon the use of any of our services.
4. Fees are charged as per catalogue price or $36 per hour, whichever is the greater. Where particular expertise from a qualified professional is required, the standard hourly rate of that profession shall be charged in addition. All telephone inquiries are billed at $6 per call. Fees are payable immediately as service is supplied'.
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